Fish Farming and Local Environments

Learning Outcome

Students evaluate the human impacts on local ecosystems.

Steps to the Lesson

  1. Complete a video Anticipation Guide.
  2. Watch a video on Salmon Gills Analysis.
  3. Research the issues surrounding fish farming and local salmon populations.
  4. Create promotional brochures supporting or refuting the benefits of salmon farming.
  5. Reflect and review the information presented.



Students will gain an understanding of the impact salmon farming has on local wild salmon populations.


Students will create promotional brochures advocating the position of a society either for or against salmon farming.

Activate Prior Knowledge:

Students complete an Anticipation Guide prior to viewing a video on how salmon are affected by environmental and human factors. Students answer the questions on the sheet prior to video viewing and then reflect on whether their answers agreed with the information presented in the video.

Predict and Question:

Ask the students what questions they may still have on how environmental and human factors effect salmon popluations. What are they wondering about?



Reminder: It is important to stop throughout the video and give students (A/B partners) opportunity to talk or respond to the video.


Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 1.41.13 PM

(Video Length: 5 mins)


Break students into groups of five. Teachers print out and distribute information from the following links.

Why BC Lifted The Moratorium on Fish Farms

Fish Farms and Sea Lice

Lice From Fish Farms Killing Wild Salmon

Salmon Farms Teeming With Lice Threaten Wild Fish

Give each group one article and do a Jigsaw activity.


Students will create promotional brochures advocating the position of an organization that either supports or refutes the benefits of salmon farming in British Columbia. Using the above links or other research, students create a standard tri-fold brochure with images and text that advocates their chosen position. Once completed, the students will present their brochures to the class and defend their positions.


Teacher prints and enlarges a review activity commonly known as a ‘cootie catcher’. Students cut out the image and fold into the ‘cootie catcher’ shape. In A/B partners, students write their own review questions and answers on the lesson material. (Note: these questions and answers should attempt to balance both the Pro and Con sides of the fish farming issue.) For an example, print and enlarge a sample ‘cootie catcher’ with practice questions already prepared.

Extend learning or next lesson

Students complete an in depth research report on BC Fish Farming; considering perspectives from both the Fish Farming industry and the anti-fish farm movement.