Lesson 1 Writing and Representing Labelling and Stereotyping


Writing and Representing

Labelling and Stereotyping

Learning Outcome

Students use writing and representing to critique, express personal responses and relevant opinions, and respond to experiences and texts.

Steps to the Lesson

  1. Introduce a graphic organizer (Four Quad).
  2. Record and discuss key vocabulary on the graphic organizer.
  3. Create a web identifying examples of teenage labelling.
  4. View a on video on Labelling.
  5. Create a written piece.



Students will use writing and representing to extend their thinking by exploring new ideas

(e.g. making generalizations, speculating about alternative viewpoints)


Students will create a written response (journal reflection, poem, or song) to express their personal opinions about labelling/stereotyping.

Activate Prior Knowledge:

Distribute Four Quad graphic organizer.

Discuss the following key vocabulary: Aboriginal, politically correct, exotic, ‘Garden of Eden’, caribbean, ‘Los in Dios’, Indian, Hindu, Hindustan.(Definitions) Students record the vocabulary in the first quadrant of their graphic organizer.

Predict and Question:

Teachers ask students to identify what other stereotypes exist in society (for examples, view the following link on Media Stereotyping) and in schools. Brainstorm ideas on the board. Ask students to think about their own personal label – what group do they identify with?

Using A/B partners to share their thinking, students create their own web on teenage labelling in quadrant two of their graphic organizer.



Students view the following video Labelled and track their thinking in the third quadrant of their graphic organizer. They should record key words, phrases, and interesting ideas.

Reminder: It is important to stop throughout the story and give students (A/B partners) opportunity to talk or respond to the story.



Students respond to the class discussion and video by writing either a journal reflection, narrative story, non-fiction work, poem, or song that focuses on the issue of Labelled. The Four Quad graphic organizer can be used as a source for writing ideas.


Students write on the back of their graphic organizer one new idea they learned about themselves, one new idea they learned about another person in class, and their own definition about labelling.

Extend learning or next lesson

Interview people from other cultural backgrounds and learn about their experiences with labelling and stereotyping.